Monday, March 31, 2025

NEOIAAA Constitution






Revised Date/Adopted Date: June 1, 2020











5.1Executive Board Representation4

5.2Voting Body4

5.3Function of the Executive Board5


5.5Non Voting Members5

5.6Executive Board Meetings6

5.7Duties of Executive Board Members6

5.8Officers Duties6

5.9 Terms of Office8



5.12Officer Vacancies9



6.1Committee Assignments9

6.2Responsibilities of Standing Committees10








This organization shall be known as the Northeast Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (N.E.O.I.A.A.A.) and further known in this document as NEOIAAA. The organization is affiliated with the activities and objectives of the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association and the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association and the Ohio High School Athletic Association.


Principal Office 

The NEOIAAA’s principal office shall be 1555 Ashwood Drive Ashtabula, Ohio 44004.
Phone number: (440) 821-8257 


The NEOIAAA shall exist perpetually unless the NEOIAAA shall be dissolved in accordance with these Bylaws and applicable law.




Mission Statement

The NEOIAAA advocates for our members by promoting the educational values of interscholastic athletics.


To accomplish this mission, the NEOIAAA serves its members by providing resources to develop and enhance leadership skills and to offer opportunities for professional growth.  Working under the guidance of the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association, the OIAAA seeks to enhance the professional growth and development of current and aspiring athletic directors in the State of Ohio.



The purpose of the NEOIAAA shall be: 

2.1To foster and endorse high standards of sportsmanship, ethics, and integrity in interscholastic athletics

2.2To provide opportunities for professional growth among the athletic administrators of Northeast Ohio by providing professional development opportunities for athletic administrators; To encourage athletic administrators to gain higher levels of educational certifications.

2.3To provide for a forum to exchange ideas and to provide a better understanding of the administration of high school athletics.

2.4To recognize outstanding contributions to athletics. 

2.5  To encourage unity and fellowship in the pursuit of stronger working relationships.

2.6To cooperate with and promote all activities of the Northeast District Athletic Board.

2.7To cooperate with and promote all activities of the Ohio High School Athletic Association.

2.8To cooperate with and promote all activities of the OIAAA, NIAAA, and National Federation of High School Athletics (NFHS).


The NEOIAAA is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as an exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.


No part of the net earnings of NEOIAAA shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that NEOIAAA shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in this Article. No substantial part of the activities of NEOIAAA shall consist of the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and NEOIAAA shall not participate in, or intervene in, any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.


Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, NEOIAAA shall not carry on any other purposes not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.


The property of NEOIAAA is irrevocably dedicated to charitable purposes and no part of the net income or assets of NEOIAAA shall ever inure to the benefit of any officer or member thereof or to the benefit of any private person.




Financial Audits

In odd-numbered years (2021, 2023, 2025, 2027, 2029 etc.) or at such other times as determined by the Executive Board, the NEOIAAA shall engage the services of an independent accounting firm to examine the NEOIAAA’s revenues, expenses, bank records, financial statements, reports, documents, procedures, and controls and prepare and submit an audit report to the Finance Committee which shall immediately distribute said report to NEOIAAA Executive Board.


Tax Forms

The NEOIAAA shall issue IRS Form 1099s as required by law and file the appropriate annual tax forms with the Internal Revenue Service and such other taxing authorities as required by law to maintain its tax-exempt status under federal law including but not limited to the IRS Form 990.






4.1The membership on the Executive Board is based on representation from the Northeast District as established by the Ohio High School Athletic Association.

4.2Open to all that are employed on a full or part-time basis by a school district in Northeast Ohio and has among his/her responsibilities some segment of the administration or coordination of the interscholastic athletic program of that school or district.

4.3Open to any retired member who has been an athletic administrator.

4.4Open to individuals not meeting the criteria for active membership,but interested in supporting the NEOIAAA.

4.5An honorary membership may be bestowed on individuals nominated and approved by the Executive Board.  There shall be no dues or voting privilege for such a member.


Membership Renewal 

Membership expires July 31 of each year and renewal of membership is open immediately following this date.  Application for renewal shall be made to theTreasurer and shall be considered active immediately upon acceptance of fee. The membership dues shall be determined by the NEOIAAA Executive Board in conjunction with the OIAAAA and NIAAAA and shall be reviewed every two years (even number of years - ex: 2020, 2022, 2024, 2026 etc.)




Executive Board

5.1Executive Board Representation

The Executive Board members are voting members on the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall consist of at least twenty (20) and not to exceed twenty-five (25) active Athletic Administrators from any High School or Middle School in the Northeast Athletic District as established by the Ohio High School Athletic Association. Included on this Executive Board must be an Ethnic Minority Chairperson, Female Chairperson, 7th & 8th Grade Middle School/Junior High School Chairperson. The Executive Board should have members from all counties within Northeast Ohio and shall represent a cross section of athletic conferences throughout Northeast Ohio.

5.2Voting Body

The Executive Board shall be the voting body of the NEOIAAA. Each Executive Board member shall have one (1) vote.

A.A quorum for a meeting shall be three-quarters of the current Executive Board members.

B.The agenda for a regular meeting shall be distributed at least two (2) business days in advance of the regular meeting.

C. All matters before the Voting Body will be decided by a majority vote of the members present and voting at the meeting. This means that if a member elects to abstain from any vote, such a member will not be counted when determining the majority needed for passage of that resolution. (Example: 18 members are present at a given meeting, 8 members vote yes on a resolution, 7 members vote no, and 3 members abstain from a vote. This resolution passes 8 to 7.)

D.Resolutions relating to new Executive Board members and amendments to the Bylaws shall require three-quarters (3/4) of the current NEOIAAA Executive Boards approval. 

E.Regular and special meetings shall have the following agenda: 

1. Call to Order

2.Roll Call


4.Routine Items 

5.Financial Report 

6.Old Business 

7.New Business 

8.Discussion of Other Business or Future Agenda Items


F.All official action of the Voting Body shall occur after a motion is made and seconded, discussed, and approved. Members may only abstain from voting in extraordinary circumstances such as a conflict of interest.

G.The President may solicit information from the Voting Body regarding a pending or imminent item of NEOIAAA business by electronic mail sent to all Executive Board members simultaneously provided however that this pending or imminent item of NEOIAAA shall be brought to the Voting Body at the next regular or special meeting of the Voting Body for discussion and voting. This imminent item may be voted on by electronic mail, as will follow all voting guidelines as indicated in Section 4.2.

5.3Function of the Executive Board

Adhere to the bylaws, and other rules of NEOIAAA on all relevant matters of NEOIAAA business including but not limited to the following: 

A.Attend regularly scheduled Executive Board and ad hoc committee meetings.

B.Serve on NEOIAAA Executive Board Committees as assigned.

C.Establish ad hoc committees as necessary to conduct NEOIAAA business.

D.Review NEOIAAA annual budget and make recommendations as needed.

E.Set review all dues and membership fees (including special assessments) annually at the spring meeting of the Executive Board 

F.Establish job descriptions, salaries, and qualifications for individuals and/or entities providing goods and services to NEOIAAA and shall oversee and evaluate those individuals or entities providing such goods or services to NEOIAAA.

G.Take such other actions necessary to conduct general NEOIAAA business.

5.4 Officers

The Executive Board must have the following officers on the Executive Board: President, Immediate Past President, Vice President/President Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. 

5.5Non Voting Members

In addition to the above, the Executive Board may appoint non-voting active or retired athletic administrators or others outside the field to fill the following positions: Secretary/Treasurer, Liaison to Retiree’s, Liaison to the Professional Development Committee, or other positions as may be approved by the Executive Board of the NEOIAAA.


5.6Executive Board Meetings

The Executive Board shall convene at the request of the President. The Executive Board shall meet to conduct official business no fewer than five times per year. In order to conduct business there must be a quorum of the voting membership. The quorum shall be 51% (fifty-one percent) of those eligible to vote. It is suggested that the Executive Board shall meet during the following months: August, October, January, March, and May. 

5.7 Duties Of Executive Board Members

A.Attend all executive board meetings.

B.Assist the president in any matter deemed necessary.

C.Assist the NEOIAAA in all matters pertaining to the operation of the organization.

D.Directly assist in the regularly scheduled meetings.

E.Encourage and promote NEOIAAA membership.

F.Encourage and promote  OIAAA and NIAAA membership.

G.Assist in all nominating processes.

H.Assist with professional development programming.

I.Assist in the annual audit of the NEOIAAA  financial records.

5.8Officers Duties

All Officers duties will begin at the annual spring meeting for a period of two years. Officers duties will begin at odd number of years (2021, 2023, 2025, 2027 etc)



A.Shall preside at all meetings of the NEOIAAA as the chief executive officer. 

B. Shall be the NEOIAAA representative to the OIAAA Executive Board meetings.

C. Shallcall regular and special meetings for the Executive Board with the approval of the officers.prepare meeting agendas.

D.Shall appoint special and ad hoc committee members for the purpose of improving the NEOIAAA. 

E. Shall represent, or delegate, the NEOIAAA at other times when requested or needed.

F. Shall be responsible for adhering to the NEOIAAA Bylaws, meeting deadlines, nominating NEOIAAA and OIAAA nominees, and other functions with the OHSAA, OIAAA, or NIAAA by the effective deadlines.

G. Shall notify, or delegate the responsibility for notifying, the Executive Board and committees of all meetings prior to the active meeting time and place.

H.Shall be fiscally responsible for the oversight of all finances of the membership.Shall be an active member on the Budget/Finance Committee.


Past President 

A.Upon completion of his/her term of Presidency, the Past President shall serve as an advisor and will assist the President in any matters requested and will have voting privileges. 

B.The Past President will also assist in the annual revision of the NEOIAAA Bylaws. 

C.Shall assist the president with the oversight of all finances of the membership. The past president shall be an active member on the Budget/Finance Committee.


President-Elect/Vice President

A.The President Elect/ Vice President  shall carry out all duties of the President in the absence of the President. 

B.Shall assist and preside at all meetings of the NEOIAAA. 

C.In the absence of the President shall be the NEOIAAA representative to the OIAAA Executive Board meetings.

D.In the absence of the President shall call regular and special meetings for the Executive Board with the approval of the officers.

E.In the absence of the President shall  prepare meeting agendas.

F.In the absence of the President shall appoint special and ad hoc committee members for the purpose of improving the NEOIAAA. 

G.Shall represent, or delegate, the NEOIAAA at other times when requested or needed.

H.Shall be responsible for adhering to the NEOIAAA Bylaws, meeting deadlines, nominating NEOIAAA and OIAAA nominees, and other functions with the OHSAA, OIAAA, or NIAAA by the effective deadlines.

I.In the absence of the President shall notify, or delegate the responsibility for notifying, the Executive Board and committees of all meetings prior to the active meeting time and place.

J.Shall assist the president with the oversight of all finances of the membership.

K.Shall be an active member on the Budget/Finance Committee.



A.Shall be responsible for the release of publicity concerning the NEOIAAA.

B.Shall take official minutes of all Executive Board meetings and shall be the record keeper for the NEOIAAA (meeting minutes, contracts, financial statements etc).

C.Shall keep official meeting minutes easily accessible to all Executive Board members and all members.  

D.Shall take official minutes of all NEOIAAA business/ad hoc meetings.

E.Shall handle all communication on behalf of the NEOIAAA.

F.Shall check attendance of those present at all Executive Committee Meetings.

G.Shall maintain a current notebook file with official minutes, other Executive Board information, present membership information, copy of the present bylaws, and other pertinent information. 

H.Shall assist in the annual revision of the bylaws with the Past President and newly elected Secretary.

I.Shall assist the president with the oversight of all finances of the membership.

J.Shall be an active member on the Budget/Finance Committee.

K.Shall take office of the President-Elect following the annual spring meeting.



A.The Treasurer is directed by the Executive Board to officially act as Treasurer for the NEOIAAA and to perform such duties as applies and to account for all treasury funds.

B.Shall assist the President with the oversight of all finances of the membership. 

C.Shall manage the financial affairs of the NEOIAAA. 

D.Shall be an active member on the Budget/Finance Committee.

E.Shall be responsible for the preparation and facilitation of the annual annual budget to the Budget/Finance Committee for their approval. Furthermore, is responsible for submitting the annual budget for approval to the Executive Board.

F.Shall receive all monies of the NEOIAAA and deposit them into an accredited bank within 24 hours of receipt. 

G.Shall review and reconcile monthly bank statements and manage cash flow.

H.Shall keep an accurate account and be responsible for the transfer of all records and money to their successor.

I.Shall write and issue checks for approved payments.

J.Shall provide an updated financial update to all Executive Board members at all Board meetings. 

K.Shall provide the Officers bank statements at each regular Executive Board meeting. 

L.Shall receive and financially account for all incoming checks and monies as needed.

M.Shall receive membership dues and maintain a membership directory.

N.Shall organize and facilitate an annual audit for the Executive Board and its members. 

O.Shall be responsible for submitting any and all necessary forms to the Internal Revenue Service. 

P.Shall be appointed and contracted by the Executive Board and will be on the Executive Board with non-voting privileges.

Q.The Treasurer shall serve in this role for 4 years and can be renewed every four years as voted on by the Executive Board.

5.9Terms of Office

A.The term of office for newly elected or appointed officers should take place at the conclusion of the annual Spring meeting.

B.For additional appointees by the Executive Board; their terms may start immediately upon approval, if not confirmed at the annual Spring meeting.

C.The length of term of office shall be for a period of two years. 

5.10 Election

The nominating committee shall present a slate of Officers at the spring meeting every two years (even number of years - ex: 2020, 2022, 2024, 2026 etc.) or as needed because of resignation. The vote of the Executive Board will be taken at the same meeting as presented by the nominating committee.


Term transition shall take place at the end of the annual Spring meeting of the following Board positions.


A.President becomes immediate Past President.

B.President-Elect becomes President

C.Secretary becomes President-Elect

D.Newly elected Secretary takes office.

E.Newly elected Treasurer takes office.

F.Newly elected Ethnic Minority Chairperson takes office 

G.Newly elected Female Chairperson takes office 

H.Newly elected 7th & 8th Grade Middle School/Junior High School Chairperson takes office


When a vacancy occurs on the Executive Board, an active athletic administrator shall fill that vacancy from applicants on file or by recommendation of the membership committee. The position must be posted in a prominent location to the NEOIAAA membership for at least one month. Applicants must apply for the position and the nominating committee will make its recommendations. The nominating committee will consist of five Executive Board members who will review applications for the vacancy and will make recommendations to the Executive Board. Then a vote will be taken to accept or deny that applicant. When filling a vacant Executive Board position the nominating committee and Executive Board must take into consideration the following criteria: 

A.Geography of the applicants - to fill a need for an underrepresented  geographical area.

B.Conference/League Affiliation - to fill a need for an underrepresented conference/league.

C.Willingness to serve and available personnel as criteria 

D.To fill a void of one or more of the following:

1.Ethnic Minority Chairperson  

2.Female Chairperson, 

3.7th & 8th Grade Middle School/Junior High School Chairperson. 

The nominating committee chair will then make a recommendation(s) to the Executive Board for confirmation or vote if multiple recommendations are made.

5.12Officer Vacancy  

If any officers position is vacated, the Executive Board shall vote to appoint the vacated position. That individual shall complete that term of office. 



The standing committees of this organization are: Bylaws, Budget/Finance, Membership, Website/Social Media, Mentoring, Professional Development & Spring Conference, Awards, Retiree’s Liaison, Vendors, Years of Service,) and any established ad hoc committee(s).


6.1 Committee Assignments

Annually at the fall meeting or upon election to the Executive Board, the President shall reconfirm previous committee assignments, appoint, change, or adjust committee assignments. There will be one committee chairperson for each standing committee. Additional members may be appointed to these standing committees as deemed necessary. Committee chairmanships will be confirmed at the annual first fall meeting of the school year..


6.2Responsibilities of Standing Committees 

A.Bylaws Committee

1.The Bylaws Committee shall meet annually to review the Bylaws.

2.If needed the Bylaws will be updated annually. 

3.The Bylaw Committee shall make a recommendation to revised, added or deleted to these bylaws, at any meeting, but shall require three-quarters (3/4) of the current NEOIAAA Executive Boards approval to make that change. 

4.Every five (5) years the NEOIAAA Bylaws will be amended and adopted by the Voting Body. The NEOIAAA Bylaws will be amended and adopted in the following years: 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, etc.

5.The NEOIAAA Bylaws committee will be composed of seven (7) Executive Board members. The President, President Elect/Vice President, Past President and Secretary shall make up four (4) of the members of this committee. The other three (3) positions will be voted on by the Executive Board annually. 

B.Budget/Finance Committee

1.The Budget/Finance Committee shall be composed of the current Officers: President, President Elect/Vice President, Past President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be non-voting members of the Finance Committee. 

2.The Finance Committee shall meet at least twice annually and at such other times as may be necessary. 

3.The Budget/Finance Committee shall: 

  1. develop a draft of the NEOIAAA annual budget and present it for consideration and approval by the Voting Body at the spring meeting for the upcoming school year; 

  2. review and account for all financial transactions of NEOIAAA and prepare and submit to the members an annual financial statement of the NEOIAAA

  3. may authorize an unbudgeted expense of greater than $1,000 but less than $2,000 without approval of the Voting Body; 

  4. make recommendations to the Voting Body regarding the amount of annual dues in conjunction with the OIAAA and NIAAA, special assessments, vendors fees if any;

  5.  oversee the day-to-day functioning of the treasurer; and recommendations to the Voting Body regarding financial matters pertaining to the NEOIAAA. 

C.Membership Committee

1.Shall solicit membership for the NEOIAAA and OIAAA by contacting individual athletic administrators, conferences/leagues, school districts. These solicitations are conducted regularly during the course of the school year.  

2.Shall maintain a current list of Executive Board members and their contact information and keep this list updated with individuals professional certifications. 

3.This committee shall also serve as a nominating committee for open vacancies on the Executive Board. This committee will solicit applications, propose candidates for vacancies, notify newly elected members. 

4.Shall submit a slate of officers at the spring meeting every two years or when a vacancy arises.

D.Website/Social Media Committee

1.Shall operate the functioning of the NEOIAAA website, gather information, and periodically update site information.

2.Shall operate the functioning of all NEOIAAA social media accounts (such as: FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) gather information, and periodically update these social media forums with content relative to the NEOIAAA. 

3.Shall oversee all aspects of the website and social media and for the NEOIAAA and shall work with the treasure to adhere to the annual budget. 

E.Mentoring Committee

1.Shall recruit members annually to volunteer their time as peer mentors, mentors and mentees in the annual new athletic directors workshop and other mentoring programs offered by the NEOIAAA.

2.Develops and implements mechanisms to match participants with the most appropriate mentors/mentees

3.Provides onboarding documents and webinars/conference calls to ensure a successful start to your mentoring relationship

4.Collects resources for best practices in successful mentoring relationships

5.Offers participants guidance and support in creating and sustaining the mentoring relationshipSolicits and acts upon feedback from program participants about the effectiveness of the program

6.Organizes program event(s) for mentors and mentees at the annual NEOIAAA Spring  conference

7.Develops tools and resources readily accessible to newer athletic directors in a central location. 

8.Instills a culture of mentoring throughout NEOIAAA.

F.Professional Development & Spring Conference Committee

1.Shall annually develops and submits a workshop program by the winter meeting. 

2.Shall organize and implement a new athletic directors workshop annually.

3.Shall also recommend other professional development activities and/or networking opportunities that will enhance Athletic Administration and the NEOIAAA. 

4.Shall work within the confines as established by the budget/finance committee

G.Awards Committee (See Appendix “A” for awards)

1.Shall solicit nominations for NEOIAAA awards and select annual award recipients by the winter meeting, using the currently adopted NEOIAAA awards selection categories and criteria which recognize athletic administrators and others for meritorious work in the field of athletic administration.

2.Shall prepare the awards program for the annual awards ceremony.

3.Shall order all awards for the annual awards ceremony.

4.Shall work with the treasurer to ensure this committee adheres to the annual budget.  

H.Retirees Liaison Committee

1.Shall assist with identification of retired Athletic Administrators and their current contact information.

2.Shall encourage attending the retiree’s luncheon, participation in the new athletic administrator mentoring program, and in any other professional development activities. 

I.Vendors Committee

1.Shall solicit vendors/corporations to participate in the annual NEOIAAA workshop, establish exhibitor and advertising fees in conjunction with the treasurer and the finance/budget committee and approval of the Executive Board. 

2.Coordinate vendor recognition and luncheon door prize session. 

3.Assist the Awards and Website/Social Media Committee in recognizing the NEOIAAA vendors. 

4.Coordinates a solicitation tool to seek corporate/vendor donors to assist with the financial operations of the NEOIAAA.

J.Years of Service Committee

1.Maintain and compile awards list of all Northeast Ohio Athletic Administrators and their years of service to the profession.  

2.Shall report to the Executive Board and the Awards Committee this list for presentation at the spring workshop and to the President for presentation for the OIAAA fall awards program.

 K.Ad Hoc Committees

1.Ad hoc committees will be created as needed by the President and will be assigned by the President and/or the Executive Board. The President is responsible for the oversight of ad hoc committees. 

2.Ad hoc committees will be reviewed annually for its purpose and function and may be eliminated based on the President's recommendation. 




Upon the dissolution of the Northeast Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (N.E.O.I.A.A.A.) any remaining assets must be used exclusively for exempt purposes, such as charitable or educational.   

Revised: September, 2006

Adopted: September 11, 2006

Revised: June, 2012

Adopted: August, 2012

Adopted: June 1, 2020






Description of Award Criteria: Presented to an association member who exemplifies the highest standards of our professionalism and has made significant contributions to his or her students, schools, and community.



Description of Award Criteria: Recognition of service, leadership, and involvement at the local level as a grades 7th - 8th athletic administrator.



Description of Award Criteria: Presented to an association member who has made significant contributions and demonstrated excellence in the area of professional development at the local, state, and national levels.



Description of Award Criteria: Presented to an individual from outside the profession of athletic administration who has made significant contributions and provided excellent service to interscholastic athletics.



Description of Award Criteria: Recognizes an individual for exceptional time, effort and energy devoted to the OIAAA. 



Description of Award Criteria: Recognizes special contributions, leadership and service to interscholastic athletics in Ohio and at the local and state level.



Description of Award Criteria: Presented to an individual who is a positive role model, demonstrates a commitment to good sportsmanship, teaches positive values, and has faithfully served the youth of Ohio.



Description of Award Criteria: Presented to an individual who, in their first 2-3 years of service in interscholastic athletics, has demonstrated clear signs of professionalism and involvement at their school, local and state levels.



Description of Award Criteria: Bestowed upon a retired athletic administrator in recognition of their special accomplishments and contributions at the local and/or state level.



Description of Award Criteria: Awarded annually to the son/daughter of an active NEOIAAA member. Factors such as scholastic achievement and leadership qualities will be considered. The scholarship is valued at $500.00.



Description of Award Criteria: Awarded annually to the son or daughter of an active member of the OIAAA. Factors such as financial need, scholastic achievement and leadership qualities shall be considered. Applicants must complete the required application and submit it to their District Representative. Candidates for this award are recommended by and only taken from the District that is responsible for the state conference the previous year. A plaque will be presented to the scholarship winner at the OIAAA awards banquet in the fall. This scholarship is valued up to $500.